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Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Explorer. Storyteller.
Curiosity has taken me to myriad destinations, unwanted situations and a world of stories...
"The ten succinct chapters of Mission Bengal are riveting... meticulously documented, timely
and fun to read. Bhattacharya infuses just enough historial detail into his narrative...a skillful
anecdotist with a sharp eye for journalistic scoops and a good sense of timing.
Light in abstract theory but rich in narratives, he makes politics in Bengal come alive."
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics
"It is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the complicated world of Bengal politics."
The Hindu Business Line
"With intensive study, the author, in his book, attempts to analyse new political developments that
had started unfolding in West Bengal since 1993 and is continuing in 2021. 'Mission Bengal' explains
rationally the rapid spread of Sangh Parivar outfits and RSS' activities during the TMC rule and
endeavours to look at the developments in the historical factors of Bengal."
Muzaffar Ahmad Memorial Prize, 2021
Snigdhendu Bhattacharya had already displayed his expertise in investigative political journallism
in in his previous book, Lalgarh and the Legend of Kishanji. In his latest, Mission Bengal, he documents
in minute detail the history and continuity of Hindutva politics in the state, its exponential growth
after 2011, their way of work and the TMC's initiatives to counter them.
Ei Samay (TOI group)
"Like his first non-fiction, Lalgarh and the Legend of Kishanji, this one (Mission Bengal) too is full of
intricate details with a fly on the wall proximity revealing his astounding access to insiders
in political parties in Bengal. He covers in 10 chapters the material meant for two books."
The Wire
"For anyone studying the phenomenon of Maoism in India... this book (Lalgarh) is a must-read." ​​
"Lalgarh and the Legend of Kishanji is an essential read for every politically involved and
socially-motivated citizen of this nation."
The Wire